About Joshua's Capital


Joshua’s Capital is a leading Strategy Consulting and Financial Advisory company focused on clients main issues related to Corporate Strategy,Value Creation and Financial Advisory.

From our Milan, Paris, and Nairobi offices, we deploy a very experienced team with a focus on four key industries:

  1. Conventional & Renewable Energies,
  2. Consumers & Retail Goods;
  3. Financial Services,Industrial and,
  4. Industrial Manufacturing goods.

We have developed a very good track record in Private Equity Due Diligence and PE portfolio companies Value Creation support.

On every project, we ensure there is sufficient scope for proven methods to be combined with individual and client-specific approaches.

Thanks to our very diverse origins and professional backgrounds, we think beyond borders and connects the right people with the right ideas and therefore creates valuable synergies for all parties involved.

Our far-reaching network of contacts, grown over decades, involves top decision makers in business and politics, and continues to expand.

We are also leading investment professionals with proven track record in advising investments in complex environments work in close partnership with our clients to deliver value and maximize returns.

We have develop a Private Equity expertise from Strategic Due Diligece to PE portfolio companies support​

Thanks to the 20+ engagements conducted, we have a very strong track record in supporting Private Equity firms in both Strategic Due Diligence and portfolio’s companies Value Creation/ Performance Improvement activities

We have a strong track record in four key industries: Conventional & Renewable energies; Consumer Goods & Retail; Industrial Goods; Financial Services

From our offices in Milan, Paris, and Nairobi, we are able to support Investments and Industrial firms in their strategic decisioin making processes

We have developed, with strong track records, specific expertise in our 3 key markets: Italy, France, and Africa

From our offices in Milan, Paris, and Nairobi, we are able to support Investments and Industrial firms in their strategic decisioin making processes

We are very quantitative and we bring our analytical approach to any aspect of our work

We transform each topic on which we work in a quantitative approach in order to provide fact based and measureable outputs to our clients