
Power Game Changers: We rethink our clients strategies and help them spot new opportunities beyond conventional energies

Prosperity and growth are almost impossible without a sustainable energy supply. This is why the conventional and renewable energy sector plays a key role at Joshua’s Capital.

All over the world, energy companies and utilities are being forced to adapt to fiercer competition, narrower margins, changing circumstances, and increasingly differentiated demand.

In the energy sector, with its major upheavals, our expertise is recognised.

We assist companies in their transition to renewable energies, helping them with efficiency increases and decentralisation strategies on the way towards carbon-neutral use of fossil fuels.

Even with smart grids, combined heat and power and energy storage systems, we deliver compelling solutions to our clients’ challenges

Our advisory focuses on an integrated, industry-specific approach. Our approach combines strategic, operational and transaction-specific issues in the energy industry.

The answers culminate in a valid solution that also enables hidden synergies to be identified and reliably included.

Our keen understanding of economic interrelationships allows us to give our clients decisive strategic impulses where conventional and renewable energies are concerned. In portfolio optimisation, too, our clients benefit from our long-standing expertise in the handling of mergers and acquisitions. Our strengths here include fact-based development of valid options for action as well as professional implementation of the relevant transactions.

In view of the imminent realignment of energy producers and suppliers, we span the entire range of efficient transformation

We place clients in a position to make skilled use

How we help Energy companies to prepare for the future

Our conventional and renewables energies clients engage us to help them address the followiung key strategic topics:

  • Private Equity Strategic Due Diligence deals (pre-acquisitions), Value Creation support (post-acquisitions), and Vendor Due Diligence (exits)
  • Artificial Intelligence and business transformation
  • Data & Analytics
  • Pricing: Dual Impact and Revenue Optimization
  • Performance improvement and strategy
  • Growth prioritizations
  • Digitalization
  • Operating model redefinition
  • Complexity reduction
  • Sustainability