
Managing unprecedented challenges both within and outside the industry

The aftermath of the financial crisis has left profound scrapes in banks balance sheets. Financial institutions have been shaken by major bankrupcies resulting from the U.S. mortgage crisis, negative developments in the Eurozone driven by national debt blow up, and powerful cyclical fluctuations.

In this economic environment, Europe is “over-banked” in terms of cost structures of the institutions, while being “underbanked” in relation to the lack of capital resources. We help our clients to deal with the resulting deluge of new legal and regulatory requirements and institutions.

The following challenges also have to be successfully mastered. Banks – and with them the supervision – still have no real risk transparency. The capitalisation of the banking industry is insufficient. The loss of major contribution margins as a result of continued portfolio reduction is putting banks profitability under severe pressure.

The advisory services of Joshua’s Capital are specifically tailored to these complex challenges. We therefore support the senior management of institutions with our comprehensive expertise

We develop strategies and tools for risk measurement, aggregation, reporting and overall bank management. In cooperation with partners, we create financial products that strengthen the capital base of institutions on a sustainable basis. Our computer-based legal mapping of regulatory provisions is finally throwing light onto the jungle of compliance, helping to minimise personal liability of board members.

The close cooperation between our financial and restructuring experts leads to convincing solutions for the breaking up of cost structures that are no longer viable, and which are adapted to the new business models and realities of the sector.

In a portfolio optimisation via buying or selling, we are available as an independent partner to provide our insights.

In the case of a reorganisation, our clients in the financial sector benefit from best practices and tailored methods for the rapid and smooth management of transformation processes

How we help financial institutions clients to prepare for the future

Our financial institutions clients engage us to help them address the followiung key strategic topics:

  • Portfolio Optimization
  • Performance improvement and operational risk management
  • Customer experience and Multi channel strategy
  • Artificial Intelligence and business transformation
  • Data & Analytics
  • Pricing: Dual Impact and Revenue Optimization
  • Growth prioritizations
  • Digitalization
  • Operating model redefinition
  • Complexity reduction