
Pricing is a deceptively simple but particularly challenging opportunity to realize. What is the trade-off between price and the other value attributes of a product or service? how do we measure elasticity without the interference of noise from other factors that influence demand? Getting pricing right really matters to the profitability of a business, as it can be the single biggest driver of sales and margin

While optimizing price is important to all businesses, every industry and company, whether B2B or B2C, has a unique answer to how to arrive at an optimal pricing structure and level. And it doesn’t matter if what’s being sold is software or soft drinks — pricing is also closely tied to product strategy, as it requires deciding how many different variants of a product should be sold as well as how they should be priced to maximize total profit.

We believe that pricing decisions cannot be made in a vacuum; they must be centered on the needs and behaviors of customers and how well the products being sold meet those needs. That means an industry-specific, customer-led approach to pricing that is tied to strategy, product, marketing, sales and finance and builds organizational buy-in.


How we help clients across our 4 key industries to prepare for a pricing driven future


We help our clients get pricing right with three primary services

Pricing Diagnosis

A successful pricing change can positively impact sales, profitability, and operating income rapidly and effectively.

We see advancing pricing practices as likely the single most effective tool for revenue growth management among consumer goods companies.

Whether it is end consumer or business-to-business (B2B) pricing, the decision of how and what to charge is fraught with risk, emotion and long-held heuristics.

We work alongside the management of our clients to evaluate the full spectrum of opportunities, including portfolio design, price changes, promotions and discounts — to identify where to focus. We leverage industry expertise, advanced analytics, consumer surveying, competitive analysis and expert feedback to unlock the insights needed.

  • We identify consumer pricing opportunities by conducting an assessment of the current product/service portfolio and price curves by product/channel.
  • We evaluate company performance and usage of consumer-facing discounts/promotions, analyze the competitive landscape, and (as needed) survey consumers to understand their price elasticity.
  • We conduct interviews accross the value chain with the key stakeholders to identify pricing opportunities, to understand their perception of a company’s price positioning.
  • We evaluate the competitive landscape and common pricing practices such as average levels of trade spend and shopper marketing support

Pricing Strategy

We optimize pricing to maximize margins and customer lifetime value

A pricing partner needs to deeply understand your market and your business, while also maintaining a toolkit of approaches and experience


We help our clients get pricing right with three primary services

Pricing Diagnosis

A successful pricing change can positively impact sales, profitability, and operating income rapidly and effectively.

We see advancing pricing practices as likely the single most effective tool for revenue growth management among consumer goods companies.

Whether it is end consumer or business-to-business (B2B) pricing, the decision of how and what to charge is fraught with risk, emotion and long-held heuristics.

We work alongside the management of our clients to evaluate the full spectrum of opportunities, including portfolio design, price changes, promotions and discounts — to identify where to focus. We leverage industry expertise, advanced analytics, consumer surveying, competitive analysis and expert feedback to unlock the insights needed.

  • We identify consumer pricing opportunities by conducting an assessment of the current product/service portfolio and price curves by product/channel.
  • We evaluate company performance and usage of consumer-facing discounts/promotions, analyze the competitive landscape, and (as needed) survey consumers to understand their price elasticity.
  • We conduct interviews accross the value chain with the key stakeholders to identify pricing opportunities, to understand their perception of a company’s price positioning.
  • We evaluate the competitive landscape and common pricing practices such as average levels of trade spend and shopper marketing support

Pricing Strategy

We optimize pricing to maximize margins and customer lifetime value

A pricing partner needs to deeply understand your market and your business, while also maintaining a toolkit of approaches and experience