
Change is hard and takes time:

Value creation requires a combination of creativiy, organization commitment to change, and most of all discipline, among other.

Based on a set Target, we have a very structured approach and  provide detailed solutions design when it comes to Value creation.

We support companies in every value creation strategies, thanks to our frameworks made of three building blocks:

By addressing the key areas of business performance we are able to enhance value creation significantly

  1. Our Dual impact pricing assures that targeted price points are not comprised by value erosion
  2. The first step aims at spotting and challenging all relevant sources of value erosion, with our Net Pocket Price Waterfall (NPPW). By combining transactional pricing with Front/Back-End support costs of a definied good or service, we are able to isolate the net price the company gets from that transaction
  3. We address best practice pricing levers using cross-industry benchmarks
  4. Thanks to our methodology, we are able to deliver annual margins improvements or price increases
  1. We eliminate growth barriers by looking into companies organizatrional structure, sales force management, incentives, etc…
  2. Through short term growth actions we can CAPTURE
    momentum thanks to our IDEAS WORKSHOP identification and prioritization with which we create detailed growth initiatives and execution plan
  3. We CREATE Sales and Marketing excellence, thanks to our excellence assessment frameworks and our best practices guidelines
  1. Our rapid cash generation expertise enables businesses to create additional free cash flows
  2. Rapid cash generation can be achieved by cutting accounts receivables and boosting payables
  3. To tackle the post-due invoice volume, process analyses can be performed
  4. Rapid cash generation is based on improving the ten most important drivers: Payment target; Payment history, Payment means; Receivable management; Focus; Complaint handling; Responsibility; Credit policy; Product range; price structuring
  1. We have a holistic set of supply management approaches available
  2. We tailor the sourcing strategy and execution program to leverage all client opportunities
  3. Our fast track material cost reduction approach delivers quick and sustainable cash benefits
  4. Best price comparison and volume consolidation are two levers of fast track material cost reduction
  1. We have a holistic set of supply management approaches available
  2. Our Network optimization approach includes consolidation, relocation and outsourcing actions
  1. Our Above-the-skin  profitability-strategic value matrix allows the monitoring and rationalization/ repositioning of products/ services portoflio to unlock value
  2. Our Below-the-skin Variant tree structure combines our Structured product
    hierarchy frameworks with the mapping of technical complexity including key complexity drivers and the Identification of constraints and areas for improvement
  3. Thanks to our data transparency methodology, we correlate complexity with cost